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Portrait of a Scotsman by Evie Dunmore

Evie Dunmore Top Books
Portrait of a Scotsman by Evie Dunmore as of 2021-09-13 is most popular in Romania and takes position #29 there. Portrait of a Scotsman has all time rank of #6749. Our latest rank within Top 100 books for it is from 2021-09-13 and is 89. Below you can find chart with position and rank change by date for the last 7 days it was within the Top 100 books. You can also find brief info about Portrait of a Scotsman. For more detailed info and option to buy Portrait of a Scotsman by Evie Dunmore please go to official iTunes page following the link below the book cover.

Portrait of a Scotsman Cover

Portrait of a Scotsman - GlobalWritersRank
Released: 2021-09-07
Price: $9.99
Buy from iTunes
4.5 out of 5 (20 ratings)

Portrait of a Scotsman Chart Positions (as of 2021-09-13)

Portrait of a Scotsman Chart History

Date Points Rank Chart Positions
20210913 4233 89
United States
20210912 5608 55
United States
Dominican Republic
20210911 5606 54
United States
Dominican Republic